[Cursor.so learnings](https://bennyr.notion.site/Cursor-so-learnings-e9cf830c156d45d980593764373e47cd)
Tips and Tricks
Git & Github
super helpful video
- U means untracked file, which means new or changed but hasn’t been added to repository
- A means added to the repository
- M means Modified
- D - Deleted (a file has been deleted)
- Next step is to commit it
- can do merge commit in gui if no conflicts, if conflicts
- git merge <branch_name>
- best practice: be in the secondary branch, and then git merge main
- merging directly to main is bad, you want to use merge commits
- best way to move stuff to main?
- first merge into file reader, ensure there are no conflicts and then bring into main
- trunk-based development
- procedure for keeping my stuff up to date with logans
- logan pushed new branch
- committed to existing branch
- made pull request
- green text for folder name in left sidebar means “untracked” - i.e. new or changed but hasn’t been added to repository
- Can go to any git repository and press period, and it will open a version in online vscode!
- when merging using merge editor